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Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Individual approach from 150 000 tg.
Лазер VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750
Available for payment in installments:
0-0-12 0-0-12


Blepharoplasty is a modern aesthetic surgery to correct the shape of the eyelids, which helps to eliminate age-related changes and restore a youthful look. In our clinic, the procedure is performed by experienced ophthalmic surgeons with the use of state-of-the-art technologies.

Blepharoplasty is one of the minimally invasive aesthetic surgery procedures aimed at rejuvenating the area around the eyes. The procedure not only improves appearance, but also eliminates functional problems such as upper eyelid ptosis, which can limit vision.

Our ophthalmic surgeons in Astana have extensive experience in ophthalmology and aesthetic surgery, which allows us to perform blepharoplasty taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of the eye and its appendages. Unlike conventional plastic surgeons, an ophthalmologist has a deeper understanding of the anatomy of the eye and can prevent possible complications. 

The final price for blepharoplasty depends on the complexity and is calculated individually after consultation.

Indications for blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is performed in various situations when eyelid changes bother a person both aesthetically and functionally.

First of all, surgery is indicated in cases of age-related changes of the eyelids. With age, the skin loses elasticity, forming excess skin, which forms folds and overhangs on the upper eyelids. On the lower eyelids, hernias and bags often form under the eyes. These changes not only make the face look tired and aged, but can also limit the field of view.

An important indication is ptosis - drooping of the upper eyelid, which can be congenital or acquired. With ptosis, the upper eyelid covers part of the eye, which significantly impairs vision and forces the person to constantly raise their eyebrows, causing strain on the facial muscles.

Blepharoplasty is also indicated for eyelid asymmetry, which can occur after trauma, surgery or due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. In such cases, the surgery helps to restore symmetry and natural appearance.

A separate indication is the presence of pronounced hernias in the lower eyelid area. Fat hernias form distinctive bulges that are particularly noticeable in the morning and give the face a tired, puffy appearance.

The surgery is also performed if there is excess eyelid skin that makes it difficult to apply makeup or causes constant discomfort. Blepharoplasty is often a part of complex facial rejuvenation, allowing to significantly refresh the appearance of the eyes and make the face look more youthful.

However, it is important to remember that the final decision on the need for surgery is made by a doctor after a thorough examination, taking into account not only the patient's aesthetic wishes, but also the state of their health, the peculiarities of the structure of the eyelids and the presence of contraindications.

Contraindications to blepharoplasty

Contraindications to blepharoplasty can be divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindications include serious eye diseases: glaucoma in the acute phase, severe dry eye syndrome, and inflammatory eye diseases - conjunctivitis and blepharitis. The operation is also strictly prohibited in cases of active oncologic diseases and blood clotting disorders.

Relative contraindications are considered diabetes in the decompensation stage, hypertension with unstable pressure, and autoimmune diseases. In these cases, the decision is made individually after stabilization of the condition.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period are also temporary contraindications to blepharoplasty. It is recommended to postpone the operation until the end of lactation.

Acute infectious diseases and common illnesses require postponement of surgery until the patient is fully recovered. Even the common cold can increase the risk of complications.

Age under 35 without clear indications is also considered a relative contraindication. At a young age, surgery is performed only in the presence of congenital defects or serious functional disorders.

Mental illness and inadequate expectations of the operation can also be a reason for refusal of blepharoplasty. It is important that the patient realistically assess the capabilities of the operation and understand the peculiarities of the rehabilitation period.

Smoking significantly slows down tissue healing, so it is recommended to give up the habit a month before surgery.

Types of blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty includes several basic types of surgery, each one addressing specific problems.

Upper blepharoplasty is aimed at eliminating drooping of the upper eyelids and excess skin. During this surgery, the surgeon removes excess skin, fatty tissue, and, if necessary, strengthens the eyelid muscles. The incision is made along the natural fold of the eyelid, so that the postoperative scar is almost unnoticeable.

Lower blepharoplasty helps to get rid of bags under the eyes and nasolacrimal sulcus. There are two approaches: transconjunctival, when the incision is made on the side of the eyelid mucosa, and transcutaneous, when the incision is made directly under the eyelash line.

Circumferential blepharoplasty combines the correction of upper and lower eyelids in a single operation. This type of intervention provides the most comprehensive result and allows to achieve harmonious rejuvenation of the entire periorbital area.

Asian blepharoplasty has its own specificity and is aimed at creating the upper eyelid crease in patients with Asian features. This operation requires special skill of the surgeon to preserve natural ethnic traits.

Laser blepharoplasty is performed using a special laser, which provides high precision of incisions and minimal damage. The method is especially effective when working with thin eyelid skin.

In case of ptosis of the upper eyelid, a special type of blepharoplasty is performed to strengthen or move the muscle that lifts the eyelid. This operation is not only aesthetic, but also functional, improving the patient's vision.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is performed using a plasma device and is suitable for patients with minor eyelid changes. This method is less damaging, but its effect is more modest as well.

Each type of blepharoplasty has its own peculiarities of rehabilitation and limitations. The choice of a particular method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the degree of age-related changes and the desired result.


Eyelid Blepharoplasty
  • Elimination of blepharochalasis and dermatochalasis (blepharoplasty + epicanthoplasty + europeanization + elimination of blepharochalasis and dermatochalasis) (1 eyelid) from 150 000 tg.
  • Elimination of blepharochalasis and dermatochalasis (blepharoplasty + epicanthoplasty + europeanization + elimination of blepharochalasis and dermatochalasis) (2 eyelids) from 300 000 tg.
  • Rework of blepharoplasty (that is done at another clinic) from 900 000 tg.
  • Correction of blepharoplasty (that is done at RB-clinic) 1 year later from 150 000 tg.
  • Consultation on blepharoplasty (ptosis, entropion, ectropion, eyelid neoplasm) from 7 000 tg.

You can view the full price list at the reception desk or ask any questions over the phone:

+ 7 (777) 743 0003

* The clinic administration takes all necessary measures to timely update the price list published on the website, however, in order to avoid any possible misunderstandings, we advise you to clarify the cost of services at the reception desk or in the contact center over the phone +7 (777) 777 77 77

*The published price list is not an offer. Medical services are provided on the basis of an agreement.


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Рефракционный лазер MEL 90 Рефракционный лазер MEL 90

Эксимерный лазер MEL 90 является мощным дополнением к рефракционной лазерной среде компании ZEISS

Впервые технологию эксимерных лазеров, изобретенную компанией ZEISS, применили в рефракционной хирургии в 1986 году. MEL 90 развивает это наследие. Успешно совмещая годы профессионального применения и инновационные функции производительности, система предоставляет весьма полезный опыт использования.

Специально разработанный с учетом нужд современного рефракционного хирурга, MEL 90 сочетает в себе проверенную безопасность и индивидуально настраиваемые параметры. Уникальные свойства продукта, такие как функция переключения режимов FLEXIQUENCE (250/500 Гц), профиль абляции Triple-A и чрезвычайно высокая скорость интраоперационной абляции до 1,3 секунды на диоптрию, открывают совершенно новые перспективы лечения

В сочетании с VisuMax® появляется возможность провести операцию по лазерной коррекции зрения максимально безопасно и точно.

VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750 VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750

VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750 — это фемтосекундный лазер последнего поколения, один из наиболее надежных современных помощников рефракционных хирургов.

Одна из важнейших замен это абсолютно новый Фемтосекундный офтальмологический лазер VisuMax® Carl Zeiss 750 единственный экземпляр поступивший на территорию Казахстана. А также к нему установлен новейший эксимерный лазер MEL 90, и кератотопограф Pentocam, совокупность этого немецкого оборудования позволяет выполнять лазерную коррекция зрения по самым современным методикам на мировом уровне. И открывает нам новые возможности диагностики и лечения всех типов болезней глаза.

In 2021, RB CLINIC

All of the surgical and diagnostic equipment has been upgraded, in other words, the clinic has modern and brand new equipment

More about the clinic'sequipment

Why do people choose us?

Multidisciplinary wide range of services

In the field of ocular microsurgery

State-of-the-art VISUMAX femtosecond laser

The only one on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Personalized approach

In the field of ocular microsurgery

Variety of treatment methods

Suitable for even the rarest cases of the disease

Tens of thousands of satisfied patients

From over 10 countries around the world

Reconstructive eyelid surgery

Ranking number one in the country


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