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Pediatric ophthalmology

Child-friendly atmosphere from 8 000 tg.
Лазер VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750
Available for payment in installments:
0-0-12 0-0-12


Eye health and good vision are the most important components of a child's full development. In our clinic, experienced pediatric ophthalmologists provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of all types of visual disorders in children, starting from the first months of life..

Modern diagnostic equipment allows our specialists to timely detect various vision pathologies, including myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Early detection of problems is especially important, as children's organisms have a huge potential for correction of disorders with timely treatment.

Our ophthalmologists have extensive experience working with young patients and know how to find the right approach to each child. The consultation takes place in a friendly atmosphere, which helps children feel comfortable during the examination and checkup. If necessary, the doctor will choose the best means of vision correction - glasses or contact lenses.

We pay special attention to the prevention of eye diseases and teach parents how to keep their child's eyes healthy. If pathologies are detected, our specialists prepare an individualized treatment plan and closely monitor the dynamics of changes.

Trust your child's eye health to professionals. Regular check-ups with a pediatric ophthalmologist will help maintain good vision for years to come.

Importance of early vision diagnosis in children

Timely detection of vision problems in childhood is crucial for the future health of the child's eyes. In the first years of life, the visual system is actively developing, and it is during this period that most visual impairments can be corrected in the most effective way.

Many children do not complain about vision problems because they consider their vision to be normal or simply cannot explain their sensations. However, poor vision can have a significant impact on their development: it can impede learning, limit physical activity, and cause headaches and increased fatigue.

At the school-age, the strain on the eyes increases significantly. Prolonged reading, writing, and working with computers can provoke the development of myopia or aggravate already existing problems. Regular eye examinations help to notice these changes in time and take necessary measures.

A pediatric ophthalmologist not only checks visual acuity, but also evaluates the work of eye muscles, coordination of eye movements, and color perception. This allows to detect such conditions as strabismus, amblyopia ("lazy eye"), and binocular vision disorders at early stages, when they are easiest to correct.

It is important to remember that preventive examinations are necessary even in the absence of complaints. The first examination is recommended before the age of one, then before entering kindergarten and school, and at least once a year afterwards. This will help to ensure the healthy development of your child's visual system.

How a child's ophthalmologic examination is performed

Pediatric ophthalmologic examination is carried out taking into account the age of the young patient and is structured in such a way that the child feels comfortable. The doctor starts the appointment by talking to the parents and the child, finding out possible complaints and peculiarities of visual load.

In babies under one year of age, the ophthalmologist checks for reaction to light, ability to follow a toy, eyelid closure, and eye position. This examination only takes a few minutes and is usually well tolerated even by the youngest patients.

For older children, the examination includes checking visual acuity using special children's charts that use familiar pictures or shapes instead of letters. The doctor also examines the eye muscles, using playful techniques that help keep the child's attention.

Using modern equipment, the ophthalmologist examines all the structures of the eye: cornea, crystalline lens, and the ocular fundus. These examinations are painless and do not cause discomfort. If necessary, the doctor may use special drops to dilate the pupil to get a better look at the state of the retina.

At the end of the appointment, the doctor explains the results of the examination in detail to the parents, gives recommendations on the prevention of visual impairment and, if necessary, prescribes treatment or selects glasses. All stages of the examination are conducted in a friendly atmosphere, which helps the child to overcome possible fear of visiting the doctor.


Pediatric ophthalmology
  • Initial consultation from 8 000 tg.
  • Consultation for dacryocystitis and any lacrimal duct obstruction from 10 000 tg.
  • Repeat appointment for any condition from 6 000 tg.
  • Autorefractometry from 2 000 tg.
  • Visometry from 1 500 tg.
  • Autotonometry (non-contact) from 1 500 tg.
  • Maklakoff tonometry (contact) from 3 000 tg.
  • Autoperimetry from 5 000 tg.
  • (Simple) correction with a phoropter from 1 500 tg.
  • Anterior optical coherence tomography of both eyes from 10 000 tg.
  • Posterior optical coherence tomography of both eyes from 10 000 tg.
  • Anterior + posterior optical coherence tomography of both eyes from 18 000 tg.
  • Keratotopography of both eyes (Pentocam) from 9 000 tg.
  • Ophthalmoscopy of both eyes (eye fundus) from 3 000 tg.
  • IOL calculation + A-scan of both eyes from 7 000 tg.
  • B scan of both eyes (ultrasound of the eye) from 3 000 tg.

You can view the full price list at the reception desk or ask any questions over the phone:

+ 7 (777) 743 0003

* The clinic administration takes all necessary measures to timely update the price list published on the website, however, in order to avoid any possible misunderstandings, we advise you to clarify the cost of services at the reception desk or in the contact center over the phone +7 (777) 777 77 77

*The published price list is not an offer. Medical services are provided on the basis of an agreement.


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Рефракционный лазер MEL 90 Рефракционный лазер MEL 90

Эксимерный лазер MEL 90 является мощным дополнением к рефракционной лазерной среде компании ZEISS

Впервые технологию эксимерных лазеров, изобретенную компанией ZEISS, применили в рефракционной хирургии в 1986 году. MEL 90 развивает это наследие. Успешно совмещая годы профессионального применения и инновационные функции производительности, система предоставляет весьма полезный опыт использования.

Специально разработанный с учетом нужд современного рефракционного хирурга, MEL 90 сочетает в себе проверенную безопасность и индивидуально настраиваемые параметры. Уникальные свойства продукта, такие как функция переключения режимов FLEXIQUENCE (250/500 Гц), профиль абляции Triple-A и чрезвычайно высокая скорость интраоперационной абляции до 1,3 секунды на диоптрию, открывают совершенно новые перспективы лечения

В сочетании с VisuMax® появляется возможность провести операцию по лазерной коррекции зрения максимально безопасно и точно.

VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750 VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750

VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750 — это фемтосекундный лазер последнего поколения, один из наиболее надежных современных помощников рефракционных хирургов.

Одна из важнейших замен это абсолютно новый Фемтосекундный офтальмологический лазер VisuMax® Carl Zeiss 750 единственный экземпляр поступивший на территорию Казахстана. А также к нему установлен новейший эксимерный лазер MEL 90, и кератотопограф Pentocam, совокупность этого немецкого оборудования позволяет выполнять лазерную коррекция зрения по самым современным методикам на мировом уровне. И открывает нам новые возможности диагностики и лечения всех типов болезней глаза.

In 2021, RB CLINIC

All of the surgical and diagnostic equipment has been upgraded, in other words, the clinic has modern and brand new equipment

More about the clinic'sequipment

Why do people choose us?

Multidisciplinary wide range of services

In the field of ocular microsurgery

State-of-the-art VISUMAX femtosecond laser

The only one on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Personalized approach

In the field of ocular microsurgery

Variety of treatment methods

Suitable for even the rarest cases of the disease

Tens of thousands of satisfied patients

From over 10 countries around the world

Reconstructive eyelid surgery

Ranking number one in the country


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