Laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is a modern method of vision restoration that allows you to get rid of glasses and contact lenses forever. In the ophthalmology department of our “RB-CLINIC” clinic, experienced microsurgeons perform laser correction for various disorders of the optical system of the eye: myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.
The procedure is based on precision laser treatment of the cornea, which allows to restore the correct focusing of the image on the retina. A comprehensive diagnosis is performed prior to surgery, including a detailed examination of all structures of the eye. This allows not only to determine the possibility of correction, but also to exclude contraindications, such as glaucoma or cataract.
In our clinic, we use modern laser equipment of expert class, which ensures maximum accuracy and safety of surgical intervention. Ophthalmologists-surgeons have extensive experience in performing surgeries of various complexity and regularly undergo training in leading ophthalmology centers.
Laser correction is a quick out-patient procedure with minimal recovery time, allowing you to return to your normal lifestyle in just a few days. Schedule a consultation to find out if this treatment method is right for you and take the first step towards a life without glasses.
What does laser vision correction provide
Laser vision correction is not just a medical procedure, but a genuine step towards a new life. Imagine: you wake up in the morning and immediately see the world clearly, without the usual search for glasses on the bedside table. No more foggy glasses in winter, no more discomfort from contact lenses, and no more restrictions in sports or on vacation.
In case of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, glasses and contact lenses only temporarily mask the problem. Once they are removed, the world loses its clarity again: objects become blurred, contours blend together, and colors fade. Laser correction fundamentally solves the problem, restoring natural clear vision without any aids.
Modern technologies of laser correction allow not only to restore visual acuity, but also to preserve the result for many years. This means freedom of movement and a brand new quality of life: playing your favorite sports, traveling, and engaging in active recreation - all of this becomes possible without having to worry about glasses or lenses.
An investment in laser vision correction is an investment in your future, in the comfort and certainty of every day. It is an opportunity to see the world as it is, with your own eyes, while enjoying every moment of it to the fullest.
Femto-laser vision correction (Femto-LASIK): a cutting-edge technology for vision restoration
Femtolaser correction represents the latest advancement in ophthalmic surgery, combining unprecedented precision and maximum safety for the patient. Unlike traditional techniques, which use a mechanical microkeratome, the Femto-LASIK procedure is performed completely contact-free using a high-tech femtosecond laser.
The uniqueness of the technology lies in the use of ultra-short laser pulses lasting only one billionth of a second. The laser beam is focused onto a predetermined depth of the cornea with jewel-like precision, down to a few microns, creating microscopic air bubbles. Thanks to control via computer, the surgeon can program a perfectly precise exposure geometry, forming a corneal flap of optimal configuration.
The correction procedure is carried out in two stages: first, the femtosecond laser creates a precise cut of the cornea, then the excimer laser corrects its shape according to the individual features of the patient's vision. The whole operation takes only 10-15 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, which makes it absolutely painless.
The main advantage of Femto-LASIK is fast recovery: clear vision returns the very next day after the procedure. The highest level of precision and safety of the method ensure stable results and minimal risk of complications.
ReLEx SMILE vision correction: revolutionary technology with no incisions
ReLEx SMILE is the latest generation of laser vision correction, which is performed through a microscopic puncture the size of 2-3 millimeters. This innovative technique has revolutionized the concept of modern ophthalmology, offering patients the most gentle way to restore their vision.
In contrast to traditional techniques, ReLEx SMILE does not require the creation of a corneal flap. The entire procedure is performed in one step using a high-precision femtosecond laser, which forms a thin lens inside the cornea that matches the parameters of the desired correction. Then this lens is extracted through a minimal puncture, which allows it to change the refractive power of the cornea and restore the clarity of vision.
Benefits of ReLEx SMILE technology:
- Minimal damage to the cornea due to the absence of corneal incision
- Preservation of biomechanical stability of the eye
- Fast recovery: it is possible to return to work in 1-2 days
- Reduced risk of development of dry eye syndrome
- Possibility of vision correction in cases with thin corneas
- No restrictions on sports activities after the recovery period
The procedure takes about 15 minutes, is performed under local anesthesia, and is absolutely painless. Due to minimal traumatization of tissues, recovery is fast and comfortable, and the result of correction remains stable for many years.
ReLEx SMILE is the choice for those who appreciate innovation, safety, and comfort in achieving perfect vision without glasses and contact lenses.Vision correction using PRK method: classic surface technique
PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy) is a time-proven method of laser vision correction that has been successfully used in ophthalmology for over 30 years. This technique is especially effective in cases with thin corneas and contraindications to other types of correction.
What is the nature of the PRK method? The procedure begins with the delicate removal of the surface layer of the cornea (epithelium). Then the excimer laser precisely affects the exposed layers of the cornea, changing its shape in accordance with the individual parameters of the patient's vision. After the procedure, a protective contact lens is applied to the eye, under which the epithelium naturally recovers within 3-5 days.
Features and advantages of PRK:
- No corneal incisions
- Preserving the mechanical durability of the eyeа
- Possibility of correction in thin corneas
- Minimal risk of complications in the long term
- High accuracy and predictability of the result
The recovery period after PRK is longer compared to other methods: full stabilization of vision occurs after 2-4 weeks. In the first few days after surgery, there may be slight discomfort and light sensitivity, but these phenomena gradually disappear as the cornea heals.
Despite the emergence of new technologies, PRK remains a highly demanded method of vision correction, especially for patients with certain peculiarities of the cornea structure. The choice of the optimal correction method is always made individually after thorough diagnostics.
- ReLEX SMILE method (1 eye) from 460 000 tg.
- FEMTO LASIK method (1 eye) from 250 000 tg.
- PRK method (1 eye) from 150 000 tg.
- Follow-up examination after any surgery within 3 months Free
You can view the full price list at the reception desk or ask any questions over the phone:
* The clinic administration takes all necessary measures to timely update the price list published on the website, however, in order to avoid any possible misunderstandings, we advise you to clarify the cost of services at the reception desk or in the contact center over the phone +7 (777) 777 77 77
*The published price list is not an offer. Medical services are provided on the basis of an agreement.
In 2021, RB CLINIC
All of the surgical and diagnostic equipment has been upgraded, in other words, the clinic has modern and brand new equipment
More about the clinic'sequipmentWhy do people choose us?
Multidisciplinary wide range of services
In the field of ocular microsurgery
State-of-the-art VISUMAX femtosecond laser
The only one on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Personalized approach
In the field of ocular microsurgery
Variety of treatment methods
Suitable for even the rarest cases of the disease
Tens of thousands of satisfied patients
From over 10 countries around the world
Reconstructive eyelid surgery
Ranking number one in the country