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Cataract treatment

15-20 minutes from 300 000 tg.
Лазер VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750
Available for payment in installments:
0-0-12 0-0-12


Cataract is a clouding of the natural crystalline lens of the eye, which leads to a gradual decrease in vision. Modern ophthalmology offers an effective solution to this problem by microsurgical replacement of the clouded lens with an artificial intraocular lens.

In our clinic, cataract surgeries are performed by experienced ophthalmic surgeons using state-of-the-art equipment. Modern technologies allow not only to restore the transparency of the optical environment of the eye, but also to simultaneously correct existing visual impairments - myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism.

A comprehensive diagnostic procedure is performed before the surgery, including a detailed examination of all structures of the eye. The ophthalmologist assesses the condition of the retina, measures intraocular pressure to exclude glaucoma, and performs the necessary calculations to select the optimal intraocular lens.

Cataract surgical treatment is performed on an out-patient basis, under local anesthesia and takes about 15-20 minutes. Thanks to the use of modern methods, the risk of complications is minimal, and the rehabilitation period is quick and smooth.

Entrust your eye health to professionals. Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist to learn more about modern cataract treatment options.

Cataract - what you should know about the disease

A cataract is a clouding of the natural crystalline lens of the eye, which is normally completely transparent and acts as a lens, focusing light rays on the retina. In cataracts, the lens gradually loses its transparency, resulting in impaired vision.

Main causes of cataract development:

  • Age-related changes (the most common cause)
  • Eye injuries
  • Prolonged exposure to UV light
  • Certain chronic diseases
  • Taking certain medications
  • Hereditary predisposition

Typical symptoms:

  • Gradual decrease in visual acuity
  • Clouding and blurring of the vision
  • Appearance of glare around light sources
  • Change in color perception
  • Frequent change of glasses due to changes in refraction
  • Doubling of objects

Stages of cataract development:

  • Initial: minor blurring, slight decrease in vision
  • Premature: noticeable deterioration of vision, significant clouding of the crystalline lens
  • Mature: significant decrease in vision, complete clouding of the crystalline lens
  • Advanced: complete loss of transparency of the crystalline lens, severe visual impairment

Modern ophthalmology makes it possible to effectively treat cataract using microsurgery. The artificial lens installed during the surgery lasts a lifetime and does not need to be replaced.

It is important to remember that early visit to an ophthalmologist at the first signs of vision deterioration allows to diagnose cataract in time and choose the optimal time for surgery.

Modern methods of cataract treatment: surgical options

Today, the only effective method of cataract treatment is phacoemulsification surgery. This is a modern microsurgical procedure in which the clouded crystalline lens is removed through a microincision and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens. The entire surgery takes about 15-20 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia in the form of drops.

The procedure begins with a microincision of 2-3 millimeters in size. Through it, the surgeon breaks down the clouded lens using ultrasound and removes its fragments. An artificial lens is then installed in its place, which is selected individually for each patient.

Modern ophthalmology offers different types of intraocular lenses. Monofocal lenses provide clear vision at one distance, while multifocal lenses allow you to see clearly at various distances. There are also special toric lenses to correct astigmatism and aspheric lenses to improve the quality of vision in the dark.

The main advantages of modern cataract surgery are minimal damage, absence of stitches, and fast recovery. The surgery is performed on an out-patient basis, and in 2-3 days the patient can return to normal life. Full recovery usually takes one month, but it is necessary to follow certain restrictions and regularly visit an ophthalmologist for check-ups.

The choice of a specific method of surgery and type of artificial lens is always made on an individual basis after thorough diagnosis and consultation with an ophthalmic surgeon. This allows to achieve the best possible result in each specific case.


Cataract treatment
  • Cataract phacoemulsification without IOL from 300 000 tg.
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract or phacoemulsification of the clear crystalline lens with implantation of flexible AcrySof IQ, Clareon IQ, or Tecnis Eyhance IOL. from 600 000 tg.
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract or phacoemulsification of the clear crystalline lens with implantation of Bausch + Lomb Lux smart trifocal flexible IOL from 950 000 tg.
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract or phacoemulsification of the clear crystalline lens with implantation of AcrySoft IQ PanOptix, or Clareon PanOptix trifocal flexible IOL from 1 000 000 tg.
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract or phacoemulsification of the clear crystalline lens with implantation of AcrySof IQ TORIC, Clareon IQ TORIC, or Tecnis Eyhance TORIC trifocal flexible IOL from 700 000 tg.

You can view the full price list at the reception desk or ask any questions over the phone:

+ 7 (777) 743 0003

* The clinic administration takes all necessary measures to timely update the price list published on the website, however, in order to avoid any possible misunderstandings, we advise you to clarify the cost of services at the reception desk or in the contact center over the phone +7 (777) 777 77 77

*The published price list is not an offer. Medical services are provided on the basis of an agreement.


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Рефракционный лазер MEL 90 Рефракционный лазер MEL 90

Эксимерный лазер MEL 90 является мощным дополнением к рефракционной лазерной среде компании ZEISS

Впервые технологию эксимерных лазеров, изобретенную компанией ZEISS, применили в рефракционной хирургии в 1986 году. MEL 90 развивает это наследие. Успешно совмещая годы профессионального применения и инновационные функции производительности, система предоставляет весьма полезный опыт использования.

Специально разработанный с учетом нужд современного рефракционного хирурга, MEL 90 сочетает в себе проверенную безопасность и индивидуально настраиваемые параметры. Уникальные свойства продукта, такие как функция переключения режимов FLEXIQUENCE (250/500 Гц), профиль абляции Triple-A и чрезвычайно высокая скорость интраоперационной абляции до 1,3 секунды на диоптрию, открывают совершенно новые перспективы лечения

В сочетании с VisuMax® появляется возможность провести операцию по лазерной коррекции зрения максимально безопасно и точно.

VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750 VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750

VisuMax® от Carl Zeiss 750 — это фемтосекундный лазер последнего поколения, один из наиболее надежных современных помощников рефракционных хирургов.

Одна из важнейших замен это абсолютно новый Фемтосекундный офтальмологический лазер VisuMax® Carl Zeiss 750 единственный экземпляр поступивший на территорию Казахстана. А также к нему установлен новейший эксимерный лазер MEL 90, и кератотопограф Pentocam, совокупность этого немецкого оборудования позволяет выполнять лазерную коррекция зрения по самым современным методикам на мировом уровне. И открывает нам новые возможности диагностики и лечения всех типов болезней глаза.

In 2021, RB CLINIC

All of the surgical and diagnostic equipment has been upgraded, in other words, the clinic has modern and brand new equipment

More about the clinic'sequipment

Why do people choose us?

Multidisciplinary wide range of services

In the field of ocular microsurgery

State-of-the-art VISUMAX femtosecond laser

The only one on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Personalized approach

In the field of ocular microsurgery

Variety of treatment methods

Suitable for even the rarest cases of the disease

Tens of thousands of satisfied patients

From over 10 countries around the world

Reconstructive eyelid surgery

Ranking number one in the country


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